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Basement Waterproofing in Howard County, MD

Oriole is a premium Howard County waterproofing company whose technical specialists can waterproof any house or building.

At Oriole Basement Waterproofing, we thoroughly evaluate leaky basements to contain problems through proper waterproofing. Our remediation specialists also examine any mold and mildew problems to determine the correct procedure for eliminating mold issues. After completing your inspection, we can craft a waterproofing and mold removal plan to contain the issue once and for all.

Leading Basement Waterproofing Contractor in Howard County

Oriole Basement Waterproofing is the oldest basement waterproofing contractor in Maryland. As a locally owned contractor operating in Howard County and neighboring areas like Prince George and Montgomery, we have a large base of 100%-satisfied clients. Oriole Basement Waterproofing consistently exceeds expectations and demonstrates high technical competence with our 24-hour emergency response. Call us today to schedule your next basement waterproofing and mold treatment service.

Why Choose Us?

Oriole Basement Waterproofing is geared toward three key objectives:

We aim to keep moisture out of your home, workplace, or commercial building, making it more stable, secure, and in proper shape. We understand that water intrusion creates many risks, including unstable foundations–a recipe for numerous disasters, ranging from bowing walls and sloping floors to doors and windows that never close properly.

If these issues are not addressed as soon as they show the warning signs, they can go from bad to worse; they could severely compromise the safety, comfort, and efficiency of your building. Hiring us is a great way to keep your basement safer and more functional.

And when it comes to mold containment, few companies can match our keen eye for detail. Before getting down to business, our technical specialists will first conduct assessments to determine whether black mold is present. Our mold remediation contractors will then isolate the contaminated area from the rest of the house, section it off, and clean it using plastic sheeting and other materials. Contact us to help prevent mold problems from spreading further and causing several health risks.

Basement Waterproofing Services in Howard County, Maryland

Increasing Your Property Value

A waterproof basement adds value to your property and makes it easier to refurbish. Plus, it heightens security and protection, increasing the return on investment. We help customers improve their property’s value through professional waterproofing, mold, and mildew containment.

Basement water leaks occasioned by simple rain or snow can lead to a moisture buildup even without flooding. Excess moisture can cause mold and mildew growth, which may lead to various health problems if not stopped soon enough. By partnering with Oriole, you can prevent issues such as foundation cracks that might expand and contract under high temperatures, leading to dangerous structural integrity. We strive to fix basement leaks and waterproof your spaces to minimize the risk of costly foundation repairs.

Our Proven Track Record

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